# Decentralizing the Practice of Architecture at Xapo Bank Article: ## Notes - Company had horizontal teams, separating architects from engineers. - This caused big number of handoffs and slow/broken feedback loops. - They changed the org structure to vertical teams aligned with the core products. - They implemented few processes targeting faster decision making and broader knowledge sharing. Namely: - Architecture Decision Records (ADR). - Domain-Driven Design (DDD). - Architecture Advisory Forum (AAF) and Architectural Advice Process (AAP). - They used ticket tracker (Jira) to host ADRs and measure their progress through statuses: drafted, proposed, accepted, and adopted. - ADRs linked to development stories and tasks. - They allowed decisions to be taken without consensus. - They provided a safe environment to make mistakes and re-evaluate past decisions. ## Links to follow: - [Scaling the Practice of Architecture, Conversationally](https://martinfowler.com/articles/scaling-architecture-conversationally.html) ([My notes](02_advice_process.md)) - [How to use spikes as a foundation for ADRs](https://medium.com/@cat-mo/how-to-use-spikes-as-a-foundation-for-adrs-92bc1617617b) ([My notes](04_spikes.md))